Vitamin D Food

 How To Get Vitamin D

Vitamin- D-Deficiency
Vitamin D also was known as the sunshine vitamin, has gained a lot of popularity over the past several years. People are realizing how important it is for their body to function optimally and to help prevent disease. Vitamin D deficiency is very common. It's estimated that about 1 billion people worldwide have low levels of the vitamin in their blood.

 What is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, is actually a steroid hormone. While some vitamin D is supplied by the diet, most of it is made in the body. Vitamin D works in your body in two ways: it manages calcium in your blood, bones, and gut, and helps cells all over your body to communicate properly.

How To Get Vitamin D.

The body makes around 90% of the Vitamin D it needs. This can only happen when your skin gets enough direct UV light from sunshine. The other 10% of your Vitamin D intake comes from vegetables and fruits foods rich in the vitamin. If you don’t get a lot of sunlight, or if you usually stay covered up, a quality Vitamin D supplement will help you.

Here are 9 healthy foods that are high in vitamin D:

  1. Salmon
  2. Herring and Sardines
  3. Tuna
  4. Cod-liver Oil
  5. Oysters
  6. Shrimp
  7. Egg yolks
  8. Beef Liver
  9. Mushrooms
  10. Cow's Milk
  11. Cheese
  12. Orange Juice
  13. Cereal and Oatmeal

Vitamin D Foods For Vegetarians

Veganism is rising in popularity around the world, as more and more people seek out a more ethical and environmentally friendly lifestyle. For some, it can be a challenge at first to figure out which plant-based foods to eat to get all of the vital vitamins and minerals.

Some people say that vitamin D is not really a vitamin because we can make it when our skin is exposed to sunlight. But If you aren’t able to get outdoors in the middle of the day or if you’re concerned that you’re not getting enough vitamin D. 

Include these foods in your diet:

  • Mushrooms
  • Fortified Soy and Almond Milk
  • Tofu
  • Orange Juice
  • Oyster
  • Shiitake
  • Alfalfa Fortified cereal

 Vitamin D Deficiency

An estimated 1 billion people worldwide have a vitamin D deficiency. This deficiency can be attributed to lifestyle (such as reduced outdoor activities) and environmental (such as air pollution) factors that reduce exposure to sunlight, which is required for ultraviolet B (UVB) induced vitamin D production in the skin

 To get enough vitamin D, you need regular exposure to sunlight. Most people today are vitamin d deficient, so it is helpful to take vitamin D supplements to raise your vitamin D levels. If you live in the north, then you definitely aren’t getting enough sunshine year-round. People with darker skin also tend to have low vitamin D levels. Severe deficiency can cause a condition called rickets in children and a condition called osteomalacia in adults. Both of these conditions cause soft, thin, and brittle bones.

 Most people don't realize that they’re deficient, as symptoms are generally subtle. You may not recognize them easily, even if they’re having a significant negative effect on your quality of life.

Here are 8 signs and symptoms of vitamin D deficiency:

  1. Getting Sick or Infected Often
  2. Fatigue and Tiredness
  3. Bone and Back Pain
  4. Depression
  5. Bone Loss
  6. Hair Loss
  7. Muscle Pain

Vitamin D Health Benefits.

  • Vitamin D fights disease: reduce your risk of multiple sclerosis, decrease your chance of developing heart disease.
  • Vitamin D reduces depression: vitamin D plays an important role in regulating mood and warding off depression.
  • Vitamin D boosts weight loss: add vitamin D supplements to your diet if you’re trying to lose weight or prevent heart disease.
  • Higher vitamin D levels were associated with a slower progression of HIV to AIDS.
  • Low maternal vitamin D and E intakes during pregnancy are associated with increased risk of children developing asthma in the first ten years of life.
  • Vitamin D supplements protect against acute respiratory infections including colds and flu.
  • Supplementing infants with vitamin D might be a safe and more effective strategy for reducing the risk of autism.
  • Girls with the greatest exposure to sunlight during the ages of 10-19 had a 35% decreased risk of breast cancer as adults.
  • Vitamin D deficiency is associated with a substantially increased risk of all-cause dementia and Alzheimer disease.
  • High dose vitamin D3 therapy may be effective for psoriasis patients.
  • Low vitamin D levels may predict the development of Parkinson’s disease.

Vitamin D Supplements.

 Fixing your deficiency is simple, easy and can have big benefits for your health. How much vitamin D you need depends on many factors. These include age, race, latitude, season, sun exposure, clothing and more. Vitamin D supplements may be necessary for older people, people living in northern latitudes, and for dark-skinned people who need extra time in the sun.

 Vitamin D intake is recommended at 400–800 IU/day, or 10–20 micrograms. However, some studies suggest that a higher daily intake of 1000–4000 IU (25–100 micrograms) is needed to maintain optimal blood levels.

 A deficiency is incredibly common and may have severe health consequences for many people. The only way to know if you actually need to take a vitamin D supplement is to have your blood levels measured.

 Now, do you have enough motivation to ramp up your vitamin D level? Get outside as much as possible to soak in the sunlight, but be sure not to get sunburned. Keep in mind that sunscreen can block your body’s ability to make vitamin D. Take a quality vitamin D3 supplement. Be sure to have a doctor check your vitamin D3 levels so that you take the correct dosage to get you to your optimal level.

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